wreck someone's head

پیشنهاد کاربران

To wreck someone's head means to confuse, disturb, or upset someone mentally or emotionally.
✍️ گیج کردن، ناراحت کردن یا آشفته کردن کسی از نظر ذهنی یا عاطفی است.
Confuse: to make someone unable to think clearly
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Disturb: to cause someone to feel anxious or uneasy
Upset: to make someone feel unhappy or worried
The sudden news wrecked his head, leaving him in a state of shock.
Her constant mixed signals were wrecking his head, making it hard for him to understand her intentions.
The complex puzzle wrecked their heads, but they eventually solved it.
