women belong in the kitchen

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is a derogatory and sexist stereotype that implies that women should be confined to the domestic sphere and limited to cooking and housework. It is used to belittle and diminish the capabilities and aspirations of women.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این عبارت کلیشه ای تحقیرآمیز و جنسیتی است به این معنا که زنان باید محدود به فعالیت ها و کارهای مربوط به داخل خانه و خانواده و آشپزی و کارهای خانه باشند.
برای کوچک شمردن و کمرنگ کردن توانایی ها و آرزوهای زنان استفاده می شود.
I can’t believe he actually said that women belong in the kitchen.
In a discussion about gender equality, this phrase might be brought up as an example of outdated and harmful beliefs.
A person trying to challenge gender stereotypes might say, “No one should be confined to traditional gender roles. Women can excel in any field they choose. ”
