wine and dine someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

to entertain someone by giving them food and drinks/ The phrase “wine and dine someone” means to entertain someone with lavish meals, typically in order to gain their favor in some way, either personally or professionally.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

پذیرایی کردن کسی با دادن غذا و نوشیدنی
پذیرایی کردن از شخصی با وعده های غذایی مجلل، معمولاً به منظور جلب رضایت او از طریق شخصی یا حرفه ای.
As part of my job I used to wine and dine potential clients.
The company likes to wine and dine visiting scientists.
He liked to wine and dine his dates the first few times they got together.
They were wined and dined by local business people.

wine and dine someone
