wild and woolly


معنی: کثیف، پشمالو، درهم ریخته
معانی دیگر: یخلا، لگام گسیخته، خشن و ناآموخته، نتراشیده نخراشیده، ژولیده

مترادف ها

کثیف (صفت)
nasty, mussy, dirty, bedraggled, filthy, messy, squalid, smeary, sloppy, grubby, impure, scabious, lousy, sordid, grimy, wild and woolly, mucky, soapless, smoochy

پشمالو (صفت)
hirsute, shaggy, lanuginous, woolly, lanate, wild and woolly

درهم ریخته (صفت)
mixed, wild and woolly

پیشنهاد کاربران

and woolly is an idiomatic expression that usually describes a situation, person, or place that is untamed, uncontrolled, and rugged. It can refer to something that is adventurous, exciting, or somewhat chaotic
افسار گسیخته و غیرقابل کنترل
