white fragility

پیشنهاد کاربران

White fragility refers to the defensiveness or discomfort that some white individuals may feel when confronted with issues of race or racism. It is a term coined by Robin DiAngelo to describe how white people often respond to discussions about race in order to protect their own racial identity and avoid acknowledging systemic racism.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به حالت تدافعی یا ناراحتی اشاره دارد که برخی از افراد سفیدپوست ممکن است هنگام مواجهه با مسائل نژادی یا نژادپرستی احساس کنند. این اصطلاحی است که توسط رابین دی آنجلو ابداع شد تا توضیح دهد که چگونه سفیدپوستان اغلب به بحث های مربوط به نژاد پاسخ می دهند تا از هویت نژادی خود محافظت کنند و از پذیرش نژادپرستی سیستمیک اجتناب کنند.
مثال ها؛
For instance, if someone becomes defensive or dismissive when a person of color shares their experiences with racism, it can be seen as a manifestation of white fragility.
In a conversation about racial sensitivity training, someone might say, “White fragility is an important concept to understand in order to foster meaningful dialogue about race. ”
A social justice advocate might argue, “White fragility is a barrier to progress and understanding in the fight against racism. ”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-racism/
