whisper campaign

پیشنهاد کاربران

A whisper campaign refers to a strategy of spreading rumors, gossip, or false information about a person, organization, or idea in a subtle and secretive manner. It is often used to shape public opinion or undermine the reputation of a target.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

کمپین پچ پچ به استراتژی پخش شایعات، شایعات، یا اطلاعات نادرست در مورد یک شخص، سازمان یا ایده به شیوه ای ظریف و مخفیانه اشاره دارد. اغلب برای شکل دادن به افکار عمومی یا تضعیف شهرت یک هدف، استفاده می شود.
For example, a political candidate might engage in a whisper campaign to tarnish their opponent’s image without directly confronting them.
A person discussing political tactics might say, “Whisper campaigns are a common strategy used to manipulate public perception. ”
Whisper campaigns can be difficult to trace back to their source, making them an effective tool for spreading propaganda.

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-propaganda/
