whinge wagon

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Whinge - wagon": A playful or derogatory term for a group of people who are constantly complaining or whining.
یک اصطلاح شوخ طبعانه یا تحقیرآمیز برای گروهی از افرادی که دائماً شکایت یا ناله می کنند
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به طور استعاری به معنای جمع شدن یا اجتماع نالان ها است
غر غروها، زر زرو ها
مترادف: Complainers' club, gripe group, moaners' circle
متضاد: Cheerful group, optimists' circle, positive crowd
After the meeting, it felt like we were on the whinge - wagon with all the complaints.
He jokingly called their group the "whinge - wagon" because of their constant griping.
The party turned into a whinge - wagon when everyone started complaining about the food.
