whats the matter

پیشنهاد کاربران

مشکل چیه؟
🔴 used for asking someone if there is a problem
◀️ ?You look worried - what’s the matter
What is the difficulty or problem? What troubles or ails you? For example, You look upset—what's the matter? or Can you tell me what's the matter with my car? This idiom uses matter in the sense of “the essence of something, ” in this case a problem. It was first recorded in 1469. Also see what's with.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

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اوضاع چطوره
( آن چه شده است ) چون the که معنی آن میده است معنی اینو داره
حالت چطوره.
چه احساسی داری.
