whats good

پیشنهاد کاربران

همون چطوری هستش
🌠 ?Means 'What's up
Often used to drag Miley Cyrus
''Now. . back to. . this bitch that had a lot to say about ?me the other day in the press, Miley whats good

[مشاهده متن کامل]

🌠 means whats up, whats new, how've ya been?
yoo whats good??
◀️? nadaaa. . chillin chillin son. . u
🌠whats up , or how's it going
◀️hey whats good with you today
🌠another way of saying how are you to somone
bob:whats good
me:im cool man
🌠It means whats up or how are you
◀️Hello whats good
