what gives

پیشنهاد کاربران

مشکل چیه؟ اتفاقی افتاده؟
What gives? is an informal way of asking “What’s going on?” or "What’s happening?". It is often used when someone is surprised or confused by something that is happening
روش غیر رسمی برای اصطلاحات چه خبره؟ چی شده؟
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاح زمانی بکار می رود که کسی از آنچه در حال اتفاق است، متعجب و یا گیج شده باشد
?I thought we were going to the beach today. What gives
?I can’t believe he didn’t show up to the party. What gives
?I thought I was doing well in the class, but I just got a C on my test. What gives

منابع• https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/what-gives
قضیه چیه؟؟
مشکل چیه؟؟
1 ) ?what gives
—used to ask the reason for something
Merriam - Webster Dictionary@
?You've been acting weird all week. What gives
2 ) What gives is defined as something you ask when you aren't sure why someone is doing something or acting a certain way. An example of when to say "what gives" is when your friend promised you the extra concert ticket but then decided at the last minute to give it to a different friend for no reason
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Yourdictionary. com@
3 ) what gives
It means like, What is going on?
e. g. ?Why you doing that
e. g. ?Like, dude, What gives
4 ) What gives?
informal What is going on? What is the problem or issue?
Hey, what gives? My computer just shut off on its own!
OK, what gives, Sarah? You've been in a foul mood all day
5 ) What gives?
Inf. What happened?; What went wrong?; What's the problem? Bill: Hi, you guys. What gives? Bob: Nothing, just a little misunderstanding. Tom's a little angry. Bob: Where's my wallet? What gives? Tom: I think one of those roughnecks who just walked by us has borrowed it for a little while
6 ) what gives? what's the news?; what's happening? ( often used as a friendly greeting ) . informal
what ˈgives? ( spoken, informal ) what is happening?; what is the news?: I haven’t seen you for a few weeks! What gives?

چه شده است؟
مشکل چیست؟
برای زمانهایی استفاده می شود که بصورت غیر رسمی بخواهیم صحبت کنیم.
زمانی که فرد مقابل را مورد بازخواست قرار می دهیم.
مشکل چیست، موضوع چیست
فرد زمانی این سؤال را می پرسد که نمی داند چرا طرف مقابل، کار خاصی را انجام داده است.
وقتی یکی یه کاری میکنی و ازش میپرسی �چرا این کارو کردی؟� یا �چه خبر شده؟�، �چی شد؟�.
هم معنی: "?What is going on"
