what's got into you

پیشنهاد کاربران

1 ) If you ask what has got into someone, you mean that they are behaving very differently from the way they usually behave. [informal]
2 ) Gotten into [someone]
comes from the intransitive phrasal verb get into, meaning 'to preoccupy or obsess' ( a person's emotions, thoughts or behaviour ) . In other words, something causing the person to ( usually ) behave in an odd or negative way
[مشاهده متن کامل]

چه مرگته!
چرا اینجوری میکنی!
e. g.
A: Pull up your sleeve, get ready.
B: Why? What are you going to do?
A: Take your blood.
B: There is no blood to give.
A: What's got in to you?
B: I've been ill for two years.
A: Find a vein.
Don't play at being ill.
B: Believe me, there's no blood to give. I have no blood to give.
( کت ت درآر ) آستین ت بزن بالا، حاضر شو بینم باباجون.
چرا؟ مگه چیکار میخوای بکنی؟
چیکار میخوام بکنم!! می خوام خون ت بگیرم.
من خون ندارم بدم بابا.
مگه چه مرگته؟
من دو ساله که ناخوشم، نا ندارم رو پام وایسم.
رگ ش پیدا کن.
خودتو به موش مردگی نزن. . بده بینم. . یالا. . اذیت نکن دیگه.
باور کن نمی تونم خون بدم.

!!!Sam. . there are 6 typing errors on the first page alone. . . what's got into you
I'm sorry sir.
