well suited

پیشنهاد کاربران

تفاهم داشتن
مناسب ـ هماهنگ
best/well/ideally/perfectly etc suited to/for something
to have the right qualities to do something
I don't think Tolkien wanted other people to see it, and I think it was inappropriate for his son to publish it, and since it's a prose translation, it lacks the rhythm, the musicality characteristic of Old English poetry.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

But it's well suited to the purposes of this course

کاملاً مستعد یا مستعد
خوش دست ( در مورد دسته ی اشیا و چمدان و . . . )
دارای تفاهم ( در مورد ازدواج )
David and Jane are the most well_suited couple I have ever seen
Before getting married, partners must ensure that they are ethically well_suited
مناسب - سازگار
سازگار compatible , a good match
The design of house is well - suited to its surroundings.
کاملاً مناسب
بسیار مناسب
هماهنگ_ سازگار
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٢)
