well spoken


(حرف) بموقع، بجا، خوش صحبت، دارای تلفظ خوب، خوش کلام

بررسی کلمه

صفت ( adjective )
(1) تعریف: speaking with ease; fluent.
مشابه: articulate

(2) تعریف: speaking graciously or politely.

(3) تعریف: expressed in a way that is appropriate to the subject, audience, or occasion; apt.
متضاد: grandiloquent

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• someone who is well-spoken speaks in a polite, correct way.

پیشنهاد کاربران

💢 دوستان کلمات زیر همگی مترادف هم هستند:
🔘 Eloquent
🔘 Articulate
🔘 Expressive
🔘 Fluent
🔘 Persuasive
🔘 Well - spoken
✅ Definition:
👉 Able to express ideas clearly and effectively in speech or writing.
Well - Spoken یا Well Spoken یک اسم نیست. صفتی است با معنی زیباکلام، شیرین زبان، خوش صحبت، مودب. کسیکه مثل افراد تحصیلکرده و فرهیخته سخن میگوید و واژگان را به درستی و زییایی تلفظ و ادا میکند. او در جامعه بخاطر این نوع گفتار به خوبی یاد میشود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔴 تعریف ها ( از منابع مختلف )
◀️ مثال ها
🔴 ( of a person ) speaking in an educated and refined manner
🔴 having a pleasant and polite way of speaking that is considered socially acceptable
🔴 speaking easily or fluently
🔴 A well - spoken person speaks in a polite correct way and with an accent which is considered socially acceptable.
🔴having a clear, articulate, and socially acceptable accent and way of speaking
🔴 speaking in a courteous or gracious manner
🔴 polite in speech
🔴 spoken in an apt, fitting, or pleasing manner
🔴properly or aptly spoken
🔴 speaking well, politely, or appropriately
🔴spoken in an appropriate and proper way
◀️ well - spoken words
◀️ Andrew's pretty well - Spoken
◀️ a well - spoken young woman
◀️ The young man was well spoken and polite.
◀️ I remember her as a quiet, hard - working and well - spoken girl
◀️ a few well - spoken words on civic pride
◀️ The new chairwoman was very well - spoken
◀️ He becomes more self - aware, and keen to make himself appear more educated and well - spoken.
◀️Though self - educated, he was literate and well - spoken, and commonly described as eccentric and opinionated.
◀️ The jesters were intelligent artists, well - spoken and theatrical witty.
🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 Similar 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽
articulate - nicely spoken - speaking correctly - posh
with a nice/standard accent - refined - polite - elegant
posh - sounding - with a posh accent

خوش کلام
