vouch for

پیشنهاد کاربران

To affirm the truth or reliability of.
( شخص، رفتار و غیره ) ضامن کسی یا چیزی شدن و یا ضمانت کسی یا چیزی را کردن؛
( ادعا و غیره ) تایید کردن، گواهی دادن به، ضمانت کردن و یا تضمین کردن.

[مشاهده متن کامل]

Let him in. I’ll vouch for his good behaviour.
I will only vouch for someone if I know them well and I'm sure they can do a good job.
I bought this software because a good friend of mine vouched for it.
If you vouch for the hotel, you tell people that it's a good place to stay.
Patricia has checked the reports and can vouch for the accuracy of the information.

ضمانت کرن
I can vouch for him
می تونم ضمانتش کنم.
تایید برای
از کسی/چیزی اطمینان دادن
کسی رو تضمین کردن
to say that you know from experience that something is true or good, or that someone is honest and has a good character
