voter apathy

پیشنهاد کاربران

بی میلی و عدم تمایل واجدین شرایط رأی دهی به حضور در رأی گیری و انتخابات
- a situation in which a lot of people who have the right to vote do not vote
- Voter apathy is a lack of interest among voters in the elections of representative democracies. Political apathy or lack of interest is often cited as a cause of low turnout among eligible voters in jurisdictions where voting is optional, and the donkey vote where voting is compulsory.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- A perceived lack of engagement in the political process in Western democracies, evidenced by low voter turnouts at general elections.
💠 What to expect as Iran votes to elect parliament, religious leaders
. . . Iranians will head to voting stations on Friday for parliamentary elections and to vote for the political and religious leaders who will choose the next supreme leader.
. . . Tens of millions of people are eligible to vote, but voter apathy remains high in Iran as the country faces a multitude of challenges following a tumultuous period since the last parliamentary elections in 2020.

voter apathy ( علوم سیاسی و روابط بین الملل )
واژه مصوب: رأی گریزی
تعریف: بی علاقگی مردم به رأی دادن در انتخابات
