
انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• (latin) "truth", goddess of truth and a daughter of saturn (roman mythology); name given to the integrity of truthfulness that was deemed one of the main qualities that any good roman should possess

پیشنهاد کاربران

• حقیقت
• واقعیت
Veritas means “truth” or “reality” in Latin, personified as a goddess of truth. The English words very and verity, among others, are derived from it. Veritas is also seen in the Latin proverb in vino veritas ( “in wine, truth” ) , and it is the one - word motto of Harvard University.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

In vino veritas در اصطلاح هرکسی شراب خوار هست ادم راستگویی هست، چون بر این باور هستند در شراب حقیقتی وجود داره که اگر بنوشی از آن ، هرچیزی را که حقیقتا فکر میکنی خواهی گفت
الهه نور و حقیقت
