A figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant. It is often used for humorous or emphatic effect. ✍️طعنه کلامی ( اسم ) : یکی از صور بلاغت که در آن آنچه گفته می شود، مخالف با آن چیزی است که منظور است. اغلب برای ایجاد تأثیر طنزآمیز یا تأکیدی استفاده می شود.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
👈مترادف: Sarcasm, Satire, Mockery
Saying "Oh, great! Another homework assignment!" when you actually feel overwhelmed by the amount of work.
Telling someone "Nice weather we're having!" during a storm.
Responding to a mistake with "Well, that was clever!" when it clearly was not.