uphill climb

پیشنهاد کاربران

✔️ A difficult process
👈🏿 “Winning back our trust after stealing is going to be an uphill climb, but we think you can do it if you're careful to act with honesty. ”
✔️ laboriously fatiguing or difficult
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈🏿 an uphill struggle to become wealthy
an uphill battle | struggle | climb | task
✔️ If doing something is an uphill battle, an uphill struggle or an uphill task, it is difficult to do because of obstacles such as opposition from other people
👈🏿 Getting a permit to open a bar is an uphill battle - unless you know someone on the council, that is
👈🏿 Looking for a job when you're in your 60's is an uphill task these days. Most companies want youth, not experience
ضرب المثل، با معادل فارسی:
⚡هفت خان رستم را پشت سر گذاشتن
⚡کار و وظیفه ی سخت
