
پیشنهاد کاربران

When something is unengaging, it means that it does not capture or maintain the interest or attention of the audience. It can refer to a book, a movie, a lecture, or any other form of entertainment or information.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

چیزی غیر جذاب که علاقه یا توجه مخاطب را جذب یا حفظ نمی کند.
این می تواند به یک کتاب، یک فیلم، یک سخنرانی یا هر نوع سرگرمی یا اطلاعات دیگری اشاره داشته باشد.
The speaker’s presentation was unengaging and I struggled to stay focused.
A reviewer might comment, “The plot of the book was unengaging and I found myself losing interest. ”
Another might say, “The video game lacked compelling gameplay and was unengaging overall. ”
