two timing

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• deceiving; unfaithful, disloyal

پیشنهاد کاربران

The term "two - timing" typically refers to the act of being deceitful or unfaithful by engaging in a romantic or intimate relationship with two different partners simultaneously. It implies dishonesty, betrayal, and a lack of loyalty towards one's partner or partners.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

معمولاً عمل فریبکاری یا خیانت از طریق درگیر شدن در یک رابطه عاشقانه یا صمیمی با دو شریک مختلف به طور همزمان
این به معنای عدم صداقت، خیانت و عدم وفاداری نسبت به شریک یا شرکای زندگی خود است.
Sarah felt devastated when she discovered her partner was two - timing her with a coworker, leading to the end of their relationship.
Mark's reputation suffered when rumors spread about him two - timing his girlfriend with multiple women behind her back.
The soap opera storyline revolved around a character who was two - timing their spouse, causing dramatic tension and emotional turmoil.

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