turn the screw

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "turn the screw" is an idiom that means to increase pressure, coercion, or force on someone or in a situation.
افزایش دادن فشار، اجبار یا زور بر کسی یا در موقعیتی است.
The company decided to turn the screw on its employees by increasing work hours without additional pay.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The government began to turn the screw on tax evaders, implementing stricter penalties.
As the negotiations progressed, the landlord started to turn the screw on the tenants, demanding higher rent.
The coach decided to turn the screw on the team, pushing them harder in training sessions.

منابع• https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/the-turn-of-the-screw.749501/• https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/turn-the-screw-on-someone
کسی رو تحت فشار قرار دادن/کسی را وادار به انجام کاری کردن با تهدید و زور
