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بررسی کلمه

فعل گذرا ( transitive verb )
حالات: turbocharges, turbocharging, turbocharged
• : تعریف: to improve the power or maintain air pressure in (an engine) by using a turbocharger.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• increase power by redirecting exhaust through a turbine, supercharge by using a turbine

پیشنهاد کاربران

To greatly increase the speed, power, or effectiveness of something. In the context of optimization, it means to significantly improve the performance or efficiency.
افزایش دادن سرعت، قدرت یا اثربخشی چیزی.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

در زمینه بهینه سازی، به معنای بهبود قابل توجه عملکرد یا کارایی است.
We can turbocharge our website’s performance by implementing caching techniques.
A car enthusiast might say, “The new engine upgrade will turbocharge the vehicle’s acceleration. ”
A manager might suggest, “Let’s turbocharge our productivity by streamlining our workflow. ”

( فعل ) حسابی تقویت کردن
