
معنی: گستاخ، متورم، غدهای، دشپل دار، دشپلی
معانی دیگر: مغرور، گستا

مترادف ها

گستاخ (صفت)
indecent, wanton, presumptuous, rude, perky, bold, forward, insolent, impudent, unshaped, unshapen, arrogant, presumptive, brash, unabashed, immodest, barefaced, flippant, malapert, cheeky, pert, impertinent, bold-faced, jaunty, flip, tumorous, lippy, peart, venturous

متورم (صفت)
inflamed, swollen, inflated, ventricose, dropsical, turgid, gouty, tumorous, tumid, turgescent, torose, tumefacient

غده ای (صفت)
glandular, tumorous

دشپل دار (صفت)

دشپلی (صفت)

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• having tumors, containing tumors; concerning tumors; of or pertaining to the abnormal swelling of any part of the body; of or pertaining to a lump of abnormal tissue serving no physiological purpose (pathology)

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