
پیشنهاد کاربران

Talk to You Never
This acronym is often used sarcastically or humorously to indicate that the person has no intention of talking to the recipient again. It is a playful way of saying “goodbye” or “see you never. ”
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این مخفف اغلب به طعنه یا طنز استفاده می شود تا نشان دهد که شخص قصد ندارد دوباره با مخاطب صحبت کند.
این یک روش شوخ طبعانه برای گفتن goodbye یا see you never است.
For example, a friend might jokingly say, “You forgot my birthday? TTYN!”
During a friendly argument, someone might playfully threaten, “If you don’t agree with me, TTYN!”
A person might send a humorous text, “I’m going on a digital detox, TTYN!”

