
پیشنهاد کاربران

🔴 a wealthy young person who adopts an alternative lifestyle incorporating elements from non - Western cultures
🔴 a young person from a wealthy background whose trust fund enables him or her to eschew conventional attitudes to work, dress, drug taking, etc
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔴 priviliged white kids who subsribe to the hippie lifestyle ( because they can ) since they have no worries about money, a job etc. They can then devote their lives to eating organic, following Phish, and wearing dreadlocks ( no need for job interviews )
Sarah is a trustafarian. It's totally evidenced by the combination of her brand new car and nice digs with her "earthy" clothes and dreadlocks
🔴 A word that combines Trust - Fund with Rastafarian. A well to do hippie type person that is not encumbered by a job and usually has hair matted into dreadlocks. While not especially materialistic they have resources that enable them to attend a multitude of events such as Burning Man, all forms of jam band concerts, enviromential protests and the like
Those guys that can afford to follow a Jam - Band around the◀️ country must be trustafarians or something
🔴a. a spoiled rich white kid who smokes pot.
b. a person who, in an act of rebellion has taken to smoking pot, pan - handling, and following grateful dead rip - off bands during the week, and then returning to his or her parent's cozy home in the suburbs during the weekend.
c. one who lives with poorer people in an attempt to gain credibility, or street - cred, while disguising the trust fund they actually live off
Don't let that guy smoke any of your stash, he's a trustafarian, and never has his own to share.
