true g

پیشنهاد کاربران

True G
This term combines the idea of being “true” or genuine with the letter “G, ” which stands for “gangster” or “gangsta. ” It refers to someone who is loyal, trustworthy, and authentic.
این اصطلاح ایده "true" یا genuine /واقعی بودن را با حرف "G" که مخفف "gangster" یا "gangsta" است ترکیب می کند. به شخصی اشاره دارد که وفادار، قابل اعتماد و معتبر است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For instance, in a conversation about friendship, someone might say, “He’s a true G. I know I can always count on him. ”
In a discussion about loyalty, a person might say, “Being a true G means staying loyal to your crew no matter what. ”
A fan of a rapper might describe them as a true G, saying, “He’s stayed true to himself and his music throughout his career. ”

