trophy kids

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Trophy kids” refers to children who have been raised in an environment where they are constantly praised and rewarded, often for minimal effort or achievement. This term is often used to describe a generation of young people who were raised with a sense of entitlement and unrealistic expectations.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

کودکانی که در محیطی بزرگ شده اند که در آن دائماً برای حداقل تلاش یا دستاورد مورد ستایش و پاداش قرار می گیرند.
این اصطلاح اغلب برای توصیف نسلی از جوانان استفاده می شود که با احساس حق طلبی و انتظارات غیرواقعی بزرگ شده اند.
Trophy kids often struggle with resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges.
In a discussion about parenting styles, someone might say, “Helicopter parenting can contribute to the development of trophy kids. ”
A psychologist might explain, “Trophy kids may struggle with self - esteem and have difficulty handling failure or criticism. ”
