trap house

پیشنهاد کاربران

A “trap house” is a term used to describe a location where illegal drugs are sold and distributed. It is typically a house or apartment that is used as a base of operations for drug dealers.
اصطلاحی است برای توصیف مکانی که در آن مواد مخدر غیرقانونی فروخته و توزیع/عرضه می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

معمولاً یک خانه یا آپارتمان به عنوان پایگاه عملیات برای فروشندگان مواد مخدر .
مثال ها؛
“The police raided a trap house and arrested several individuals. ”
In a discussion about crime, someone might mention, “There are several known trap houses in this neighborhood. ”
A person warning others about dangerous areas might say, “Stay away from that street, it’s known for having trap houses. ”

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