trailing spouse

پیشنهاد کاربران

the husband or wife of an employee who is sent to work in another country
The meaning of “trailing spouse” is the husband or wife of an employee who is sent to work in another country. It implies that the spouse follows the employee to the new location, but may face difficulties in finding a job, adapting to the culture, or maintaining their identity.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

زن یا شوهر کارمندی که برای کار به کشور دیگری فرستاده شده است
زن یا شوهر کارمندی است که برای کار به کشور دیگری اعزام می شود. به این معنی است که همسر به دنبال کارمند به مکان جدید می رود، اما ممکن است در یافتن شغل، سازگاری با فرهنگ یا حفظ هویت خود با مشکل مواجه شود.
If you want to hire top people, the trailing spouse issue is a continuous challenge.
More enlightened employers are realising that the happiness of the 'trailing spouse' is crucial to the success of any foreign secondment.
She decided to quit her job and become a trailing spouse when her husband got a promotion in Singapore.

trailing spouse
