• : تعریف: (informal) the most money paid for a particular product, service, or the like.
پیشنهاد کاربران
👇مترادف؛ Premium price Highest bid Maximum amount High - end price 👇مثال؛ She paid top dollar for her designer handbag. Collectors are willing to pay top dollar for rare and valuable coins. The latest smartphone models are sold for top dollar.
دستمزد خیلی بالا
they do charge top dollar �خیلی گران�
خدا تومن!
Wait until those jeans go on sale. Why pay top dollar?
پول تپل ، پول گزاف
گران قیمت. بالاترین قیمت. خدا تومن
قیمت بسیار بالا مثال: I payed top dollars to buy my Tablet