top cat

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is often used to refer to someone who is in charge or holds a position of authority. It can also imply that the person is influential or respected by others.
اغلب برای اشاره به شخصی که مسئول یا دارای مقامی است. همچنین می تواند دلالت بر این داشته باشد که فرد دارای نفوذ و قدرت یا مورد احترام دیگران است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“Our CEO is the top cat around here. ”
In a group of friends, one might jokingly say, “Who’s the top cat of this crew?”
A fan of a sports team might exclaim, “Our quarterback is the top cat on the field!”

