to roll with something

پیشنهاد کاربران

🔴 To adapt to a situation despite unexpected circumstances or challenges : سازگاری با یک موقعیت با وجود شرایط یا چالش های غیرمنتظره
◀️ I had no idea it was going to be a double date, but I decided to just roll with it, and it actually turned out to be fun : نمی دانستم قراره یک قرار دو نفره باشه، اما تصمیم گرفتم فقط باهاش کنار بیام، و در واقع جالب از آب دراومد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️A : I'm freaking out now. Because these three girls, they in my room right now, and they just offered to bathe me
B : ok, first of all, come down. We in another country and you know they have different traditions and customs, the way that they do stuff. You need to ROLL WITH IT. That is a princely thing. They bathe you, ok? So be a prince. Now you go enjoy that bathe. Go get washed
