خبری را به گوش کسی رسوندن
زیر اب کسی و زدن، لو دادن، خبر چینی کردن ( هشدار دادن )
If someone tips you off, they give you information about something that has happened or is going to happenاطلاعات دادن به کسی درباره چیزی که اتفاق افتاده یا قرار است بیفتد.
Greg tipped police off on his car phone about a suspect drunk driver.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
Apparently, the mob leaders were tipped off that police were watching them.
Moving strike aircraft within range could have tipped off the bad guys.
https://dictionary. cambridge. org/dictionary/english/tip - off?q=tip somebody off