throw someone under the bus

پیشنهاد کاربران

Sacrifice someone else’s interests for your own personal gain
کسی رو مقصر نشون دادن، زیر آب کسی رو زدن
به معنای خودمونی و غیر رسمی در زبان فارسی یعنی آدم فروشی کردن
To do something harmful to someone else in order to gain an advantage for yourself/ “Throwing someone under the bus” is an idiomatic phrase in English meaning to blame or abandon a person for selfish reasons. It is typically used to describe a disavowal of a previously amicable relationship to avoid being associated with something controversial or embarrassing
[مشاهده متن کامل]

برای نفع شخصی یا خلاصی از سرزنش، کسی را مقصر جلوه دادن، کسی را برای نفع شخصی فدا کردن، له کردن
Russian billionaire Gennady Timchenko threw his longtime ally Vladimir Putin under the bus when he made an appeal to the European Union's second - highest court on Wednesday, in which he asked that European sanctions that were imposed on him over the war in Ukraine be lifted
He has been accused of throwing fellow Republicans under the bus for his personal agenda
I'm not going to throw my friend under the bus for something he did 25 years ago

زیر اب کسی را زدن
"one of my coworkers threw me under the bus to our boss"
یکی از همکارانم، به خاطر رییس، منو فدا کرد.
برای نفع شخصی یا خلاصی از سرزنش کسی را مقصر جلوه دادن .
مثلا مادر : چرا شیشه شکست ؟
من نبودم علی با توپ آنرا شکست .
