through a monkey wrench

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Throw a wrench” or “throw a monkey wrench” is an idiom used in informal US English. It means to prevent something from happening smoothly by deliberately causing a problem. The phrase is often used to describe an action that disrupts a plan or project, making it difficult to proceed as planned.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“Throw a Wrench” یا “through a Monkey wrench” اصطلاحی است که در انگلیسی غیررسمی ایالات متحده استفاده می شود. به این معنی است که با ایجاد مشکل عمدی از اتفاقی آرام جلوگیری کنید. این عبارت اغلب برای توصیف عملی به کار می رود که یک طرح یا پروژه را مختل می کند و ادامه آن طبق برنامه ریزی را دشوار می کند.
The saboteur threw a monkey wrench into the company's plans by leaking confidential information to the press.
2. The unexpected development threw a monkey wrench into our carefully laid plans, forcing us to rethink our strategy.
3. The team's progress was slowed down when a monkey wrench was thrown into the works by an unexpected setback.
