three legged


دارای سه پا، سه پایه

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• a three-legged animal has lost one of its legs, for example in an accident.
a three-legged race is a race in which pairs of people try to run with one leg tied to the other person's leg.

پیشنهاد کاربران

مسابقه ای که دونفر پای خود را به هم بسته اند یکی چپ و یکی راست
In a. . . . ( three legged ) the right leg of one person is tied to the left leg of enother person and then they run together.
کانون زبان ایرانReach 3
مسابقه ای که در آن پاهای دوندگان به هم گره خورده اند
race in which the legs of the runners are tied together•
