thorny issue

پیشنهاد کاربران

Controversial Issue: A topic likely to cause public disagreement or debate
Complex Problem: A problem with many interconnected factors and no easy solution
Sensitive Matter: A topic that requires careful handling due to its delicate nature
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The decision to build a new highway through the city center is a thorny issue, impacting local businesses and residents.
Addressing climate change has become a thorny issue due to its global implications and the need for coordinated efforts.
The debate over internet privacy versus national security is a particularly thorny issue in the modern world.

استعاره از مشکلی بغرنج، پیچیده و گاه خطرناک
مسائل بغرنج /پیچیده
• Full of difficulties
• very difficult to deal with
Making the relationship last involves
tackling some thorny and sensitive issues.
به نقل از هزاره:
مسائل پرزحمت، مشکل آفرین، پردردسر
موضوع پیچیده
