third party software

پیشنهاد کاربران

Third - party software refers to any software applications or programs that are developed and provided by a company or individual other than the original manufacturer of the operating system or hardware device. These software products are created by independent developers or organizations and are designed to enhance the functionality, features, or compatibility of a computer system, mobile device, or other technology platforms.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

هر برنامه یا برنامه نرم افزاری که توسط شرکت یا فردی غیر از سازنده اصلی سیستم عامل یا دستگاه سخت افزاری توسعه یافته و عرضه شده است. این محصولات نرم افزاری توسط توسعه دهندگان یا سازمان های مستقل ایجاد می شوند و برای بهبود عملکرد، ویژگی ها یا سازگاری یک سیستم رایانه ای، دستگاه تلفن همراه یا دیگر پلت فرم های فناوری طراحی شده اند.
Many users rely on third - party software to expand the capabilities of their computers or mobile devices beyond what is offered by the default operating system.
It's important to be cautious when installing third - party software, as it may pose security risks or compatibility issues with your device.
Third - party software developers often create applications that integrate seamlessly with popular platforms, providing users with additional tools and utilities to customize their user experience.

