there's no point

پیشنهاد کاربران

خیری ( در کاری یا چیزی ) نیست
there's no point in doing that. It'll just make matters worse.
خیری در این کار نیست. فقط اوضاع را بدتر می کند.
1 ) Sentence Patterns using "There is no point. . . " This expression is used to show that doing something is useless or worthless. The action has no value, so we should not do it
2 ) ( there's ) no point ( in ) ( doing something )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Some particular action will serve no purpose or will not yield any worthwhile results.
There's no point getting upset about it—let's just try to find a solution!
A: "What if we call the consulate?" B: "No point. They won't be able to help. "
We were pretty disappointed to have lost the championship game, but there's no point in crying over spilt milk. We just have to train harder for next season!
3 ) no point in something
no purpose in doing something. There is no point in locking the barn door now that the horse has been stolen. There's no point is crying over spilled milk
4 ) You can say this if you think someone's doing something, or thinking of doing something, that is pointless or sure to fail.
For example
"I'll talk to him, OK?"
"There's no point. He won't listen to you. "
"They cheated me! I'm going smash their shop windows!"
"Look, there's no point in doing that. It'll just make matters worse. "

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