the tail wagging the dog

پیشنهاد کاربران

a situation in which a large group has to do something to satisfy a small group
اصطلاح / وضعیتی که در آن یک گروه بزرگ باید کاری انجام دهد تا یک گروه کوچک را راضی کند، کار دنیا برعکس شده
The phrase "the tail wagging the dog" is an idiom that means a situation where a small or unimportant part of something is controlling the whole thing. It refers to a situation where something insignificant or secondary is dictating the actions of something larger or more important. For example, if an assistant manager is making all the decisions and the general manager is just following their lead, you could say that the tail is wagging the dog.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی است که به معنای وضعیتی است که در آن بخش کوچک یا بی اهمیت چیزی، در حال کنترل کل چیز است. این به موقعیتی اشاره دارد که در آن چیزی بی اهمیت یا ثانویه در حال دیکته کردن اقدامات بزرگتر یا مهمتر است. به عنوان مثال، اگر یک دستیار مدیر تمام تصمیمات را می گیرد و مدیر کل فقط از او پیروی می کند، می توانید بگویید the tail wagging the dog.
1. The marketing department is supposed to support the sales team, but lately it seems like the tail is wagging the dog and the marketing team is making all the decisions.
2. The CEO should be making the decisions for the company, but it seems like the board of directors is the one with all the power. It's like the tail is wagging the dog.
3. In a healthy relationship, both partners should have equal say in important decisions. If one partner is always calling the shots, it can feel like the tail is wagging the dog.
4. In a democracy, elected officials are supposed to represent the will of the people. However, if special interest groups are the ones with all the power and influence, it can feel like the tail is wagging the dog.
5. The coach is supposed to be in charge of the team, but lately it seems like one of the players is making all the decisions. It's like the tail is wagging the dog.

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کار دنیا برعکس شده ( تحت اللفظی : دم سگ را میجنباند )
