the rubber meets the road

پیشنهاد کاربران

کاری را شروع کردن، کاری را در عمل تست کردن
when you have to face your challenges
efforts are put to the test
when theory becomes a practice
How much will it cost?
Example Sentences
John had an excellent idea for a project, but his colleagues weren’t sure what would happen where the rubber meets the road.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

His boss promised the company a raise after January 1st, but they were concerned if it would happen when the rubber meets the road.
Source: theidioms. com

وقتی یه ایده به مرحله تست عملی می رسه .
در اصطلاح . . . زمان یا مکان شروع یک کار را گویند
اشاره به لحظه ای که یک فکر به عمل تبدیل می شود
