the heavens open

پیشنهاد کاربران

معادل کُردی این اصطلاح، کلمه ی خیلی قشنگیه که به عنوان اسم روی دخترا هم میذارن تحت این عنوان:
ریژنه - رِژْنَ -
If the heavens open, it suddenly starts to rain a lot
ناگهان باران زیادی شروع به باریدن کردن
شروع به باریدن شدید باران
Just as we were about to leave the picnic, the heavens opened, and we had to rush for cover.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The outdoor wedding was going perfectly until the heavens opened, and everyone had to move inside.
We were hiking in the mountains when the heavens suddenly opened, and we got drenched within minutes.

the heavens open
