the g men

پیشنهاد کاربران

The G - Men
Refers to government agents, particularly those who work for law enforcement agencies such as the FBI. The term “G - Men” originated in the 1930s and is still used today.
به مأموران دولتی، به ویژه آنهایی که برای آژانس های اجرای قانون مانند FBI کار می کنند، اشاره دارد. این اصطلاح در دهه 1930 به وجود آمد و هنوز هم استفاده می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“The G - Men are investigating the case. ”
In a discussion about crime dramas, someone might say, “I love shows that feature G - Men as the main characters. ”
A person discussing government surveillance might say, “The G - Men are always watching. ”
