the black budget

پیشنهاد کاربران

Refers to the portion of a government’s budget that is allocated to classified or covert operations. The term “black” indicates the secrecy surrounding these funds.
به بخشی از بودجه دولت اشاره دارد که به عملیات طبقه بندی شده یا مخفی تخصیص می یابد. اصطلاح "black" نشان دهنده محرمانه بودن این وجوه است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“The black budget is used to finance top - secret military projects. ”
In a discussion about government transparency, someone might say, “We need more oversight of the black budget to prevent misuse of funds. ”
A journalist investigating government spending might write, “The black budget has long been a topic of speculation and controversy. ”

