the big lie

پیشنهاد کاربران

Refers to a deliberate and significant falsehood spread to manipulate public opinion or obscure the truth. The term “the big lie” is often used to describe a particularly audacious and impactful falsehood.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به انتشار دروغ عمدی و قابل توجهی برای دستکاری و فریب افکار عمومی یا پنهان کردن حقیقت اشاره دارد. اصطلاح "the big lie" اغلب برای توصیف یک دروغ جسورانه و تاثیرگذار به کار می رود.
For example, a critic might accuse a politician of perpetuating “the big lie” during a campaign.
In a discussion about historical events, someone might say, “Hitler’s propaganda machine relied on the big lie to gain support. ”
A journalist investigating misinformation might write, “Identifying and debunking the big lie is crucial in combating disinformation. ”

