the ball is in your court

اکنون نوبت شماست، تو باید عمل کنی

پیشنهاد کاربران

It's your decision
It's your decision or responsibility to do something next
I've done all I can, now the ball is in your court
This phrase is used to indicate that it is someone’s responsibility or decision to take action or make a decision. It implies that the person has the power or control in a situation.
✍️به این معنا که فرد در موقعیتی قدرت یا کنترل را دارد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️✍️تصمیم با شماست، فرمان دست شماست، توپ تو زمین شماست.
It's your turn
You're responsible
You have to decide
It's up to you
I’ve given you all the information you need, so now the ball is in your court.
In a discussion about a business negotiation, someone might say, “We’ve made our offer, now the ball is in their court to respond. ”
A person might say, “I’ve done my part, now the ball is in their court to make a decision. ”

ممنونم از راهنمایی هاتون
ممنون عالیییی
. You have to something now before any progress can be made
الان توپ تو زمین تو هس پس تصمیم هم با توئه
it means it's your turn to take action or make a decision
[ضرب المثل] توپ توی زمین تو است
باید یه کاری کنی
نوبت توئه که یه کاری بکنی
توپ تو زمین تو هست
Start an activity
بخودت بستگی داره
معادل عبارت it's up to you
If the ball is in your court it's up to you to make a decision
تصمیم با شماست یا تصمیم انجام یه کاری به عهده شماست
مثال �
I've helped him in every way I can , the ball's in his court now
هرجور که بتونم کمکش کردم ، دیگه تصمیم با خودشه .

مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٣)
