thats so nice of you

پیشنهاد کاربران

این نهایت لطف شماست - نظر لطفتونه
مثال :
💙 I'm really attracted to you though i was wondering if i can get your phone number
💚 Ummm. I mean
💙 I'll be through this in like two weeks تا ۲ هفته آینده از شر این خلاص میشم ( طرف رو ویلچر نشسته منظورش اینه تا هفته دیگه اوکی میشم و از شر ازینا خلاص میشم )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

💙 Please you're just so pretty : لطفا، آخه واقعاً خوشگلی
💚 Oh that's so nice of you : نظر لطفته
💙 My last girlfriend left me after I got in the accident
💚 That is messed up. I'll be your friend
💙 I mean how are we gonna have sexual intercourse with my girlfriend you know. That's why she left me
💚 That's a situation
💙 That's all that mattered to her. That's why she couldn't stay with me
💚 I don't know what to do about that situation
💙 Could we just hang out Sometime or something and maybe just help me get back in the game maybe
💚 I mean you can hit me up on Facebook
💙 What's your Facebook
💚 ? Idk what Facebook is. This is not real, is it
💙 Wth
💚 'This gotta be a prank. You prankin
💙 You just said you would give me your Facebook
💚 I knew, i knew that face
💙 You remind me of my ex
💚 That's some good makeup
