that's the ticket

(خودمانی) درست است !، صحیح می فرمایید!، عینا!

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• good job, you did well

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase **"that's the ticket"** is an idiomatic expression that means **"that's exactly what is needed"** or **"that's the right thing to do. "** It's often used to express approval or agreement with a suggestion, idea, or solution.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For example:
- You should study a little every day instead of cramming the night before the exam. That's the ticket!
( Meaning: That's the right approach or solution. )
"If you want to save money, cutting back on unnecessary expenses is the ticket.
( Meaning: That's the best way to achieve your goal. )
The phrase is informal and has a slightly old - fashioned or playful tone. It’s often used to encourage or affirm someone’s good idea or action.

خودشه، همینه!
that's the correct or proper thing! that's right/ The phrase “that’s the ticket” conveys approval or agreement, emphasizing that something is correct, desirable, or just what is needed. It’s often used informally and somewhat nostalgically.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این درسته، این کار مناسبه، اوکی
این عبارت تأیید یا موافقت را نشان می دهد و تأکید می کند که چیزی درست، مطلوب یا فقط چیزی است که مورد نیاز است. اغلب به صورت غیر رسمی و تا حدودی نوستالژیک استفاده می شود.
Mary: “I’ll just get ready and drive the package directly to the airport!” Sue: “That’s the ticket. Take it right to the airport post office. ”
Bob: “I’ve got it! I’ll buy a new computer!” Bill: “That’s the ticket!”

