

معنی: عکسبرداری از مسافات دور
معانی دیگر: علم عکس برداری از راه دور، دورفرتور نگاری، telephotographic عکسبرداری از مسافات دور

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
مشتقات: telephotographic (adj.)
• : تعریف: the art, process, or technique of taking pictures of distant objects with a specialized lens.

مترادف ها

عکسبرداری از مسافات دور (اسم)


[کامپیوتر] عکاسی از راه دور .

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• photographing of distant objects by means of a telephoto lens or electronic image-enhancing equipment

پیشنهاد کاربران

📋 دوستان در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم tele
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "far" یا "at a distance" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به "far" یا "at a distance" مربوط هستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

📂 مثال:
🔘 telephone: A device for transmitting sound over a far distance
🔘 television: A system for transmitting visual images and sound at a distance
🔘 telegraph: A device for sending coded messages over a far distance
🔘 telescope: An instrument that makes far objects appear closer
🔘 telepathy: The ability to transmit thoughts at a distance
🔘 telecommute: To work from a far location using telecommunications
🔘 teleconference: A meeting held with participants at a distance
🔘 telekinesis: The supposed ability to move objects at a distance with the mind
🔘 telephoto: A lens system designed to capture distant subjects
🔘 telecast: A television broadcast transmitted at a distance
🔘 teleprompter: A device displaying text at a distance for speakers or performers
🔘 telemarketing: Selling goods or services over a far distance using phones
🔘 telemedicine: Remote diagnosis and treatment of patients at a distance
🔘 telegraphy: The practice of sending messages at a distance with coded signals
🔘 telephony: The technology of voice transmission over a far distance
🔘 teleprinter: A machine for sending typed messages over a distance
🔘 teletext: A system for sending text and graphics at a distance via TV
🔘 telethon: A long television program that raises funds at a distance
🔘 telemeter: A device that measures distances to far objects
🔘 telepathic: Relating to the ability to communicate at a distance using thoughts
🔘 telephoto lens: A camera lens that captures distant objects more clearly
🔘 teleplay: A script written for a television production at a distance
🔘 teleprinter: A device used for sending typed text over a distance
🔘 teleprocessing: Processing data at a distance from its point of origin
🔘 telecourse: A learning program delivered at a distance via television or the internet
🔘 televiewer: A person who watches television from a far location
🔘 telecommuter: Someone who works at a distance using technology
🔘 telephoto: A photograph of a distant subject taken with a telephoto lens
🔘 telepathist: A person claiming the ability to communicate thoughts at a distance
🔘 telefilm: A movie made for broadcasting at a distance on television
