
پیشنهاد کاربران

A telepath is a person who claims to have the ability to read or communicate with others’ thoughts or transmit their own thoughts to others. They are often seen as having a psychic connection or an extra - sensory perception of others’ minds.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

تله پات شخصی است که ادعا می کند توانایی خواندن یا برقراری ارتباط با افکار دیگران یا انتقال افکار خود را به دیگران دارد. آنها اغلب به عنوان یک ارتباط روانی یا یک ادراک فراحسی از ذهن دیگران دیده می شوند.
In science fiction, telepaths are often portrayed as having incredible mental abilities.
I wish I had telepathic abilities – it would make communication so much easier.
I’ve had moments where I felt a telepathic connection with someone – it’s hard to explain.

